Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 26 and 27, 2009

Welcome back!

Monday was a full day substituting for Mrs. Taylor. I am beginning to see some of the frustration that teachers go through with extra activities during school hours. The school was holding a Pageant on Monday for Miss RHS, so students with tickets in first period were released to watch the pageant, and second period started with only 9 students! Then fifth period was also less than full with some of the students working the afternoon pageant.

Due to this event schedule, Mrs. Taylor had left the section review handouts and assignments, and to keep all the classes on the same page, each period became a study hall situation. It was interesting to see which students from the classes that I do not do the EXL teaching with remembered me from subbing before Christmas. They were easy to identify because of their attitudes and the fact that they paid attention. Still got to give the lecture on respect to these classes for those students who did not remember me. Basically, if you (the students) want me to give you respect, you need to show respect.

On Tuesday Mrs Taylor was back in class, and continued with review work. Again, I saw first hand how much of a teacher's time is taken with NOT teaching. Mrs Taylor is extremely dedicated to her students, and met one on one with each student who is preparing for a career shadowing day next week, making certain that everything is in order for successful experiences.
There was also school fund raiser surveys for the students to complete, and she took the time to let the classes understand that the administration values their opinions, which is so often not the case. These were supposed to be done by all first period classes, but it was apparent in second period that not all the teachers gave out the surveys. So much non-subject administrative work falls on the teachers, sometimes it is a wonder they are able to teach at all.

Today I will be shadowing a Special Education teacher in a K-4 school for SPED 3010. I look forward to this experience a great deal, and will post my thoughts on it here as well. More soon!

1 comment:

  1. good observation on how much time a teacher spends not teaching...and also how all the extra things sometimes take up more time than needed (pageants?) you recall football season, right? start adding in IEPs and that stuff and the load really expands.

    Curious to see how your SPED experience went!
